Brand Questions 101.

  • Does my logo tell the story of my brand?

  • Is my brand creating long lasting relationships?

  • Does my brand identity create a spark of joy with current or potential clients, not to mention my team?

If you answered no to any of the questions above reach out and tell me your story.

Ignite your Brand.

Thinking of starting up a new company. Is your brand looking a bit tired or neglected and in need of a refresh. Maybe you have an awesome brand but are having trouble connecting with customers. Whatever your dilemma I want to hear your story.

Building a cohesive brand takes time, patience and focus. It’s kind of like building a fire. You need the right layers to ensure it’s longevity to burn bright.

Kindle Relationships.

The relationship a brand has with its customers is similar to one you would have with a partner or a friend. It needs kindling, a spark and some quality time together. Customers do not like to be bothered with fluff. Meaningful connections kindle long lasting relationships.

Spark joy.

What is joy? It’s that “it” factor. You know that moment when you find yourself smiling so long you have to question why. Does your brand spark joy? Is there an element of connection that delights your consumer? If not maybe you should be asking yourself — How can I create joy?

All you need is a spark of joy to create a connection. Joy can have many forms: logo, packaging, communication, language and let’s not forget color.


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There’s no commitment, pressure or obligation.